31/31 | Security Levels: NORMAL NORMAL | Messages: 2 not important.
Freenet is not yet online: Select a configuration
On first run, freenet starts in offline-mode, so you can select the level of security you want, before activating it. Please select how you want to configure freenet. As soon as you select a configuration, Freenet will go online, taking you into the anonymous web.
Defaults Wizard By hand

Start freenet with default values. This is suitable for relatively free countries where running freenet is legal, as long as you don't tell people what you intend to upload before uploading it and you don't have a powerful adversary trying to break your anonymity with a lot of resources.

Configure Freenet with the first-run wizard, setting up the configuration according to your own privacy needs without having to dive into the technical details. Pressing the button will start the first-run wizard and start freenet afterwards.

Configure Freenet by hand. Pressing the button will take you to the advanced configuration of Freenet. After you finished adapting the configuration to fit your needs, save it and restart freenet by hand.

Welcome to Freenet, where no one can tell you're reading
Freenet tries hard to project your privacy.

Therefore we created a pseudonymous ID for you. Its name is Gandi Schmidt. Visit the [your IDs site] to see a legend we prepared for you. You can use this legend as fictional background for your ID, if you are really serious about staying anonymous.

During the next few hours, Freenet will ask you to solve various captchas to prove that you are human. Once enough other nodes successfully confirmed that you are human, you will get access to the forums and microblogging. This might take a few hours to a few days.

Note that other nodes don't know who you are. They don't know your IP, nor your real identity. The only thing they know is that you can solve captchas and how to send you a message.

While your humanity is being confirmed, you can find a wealth of content on the following indexes, some published anonymously, some not:


Welcome to the pseudonymous web where no one can know who you are, but only that you are always using the same ID - if you do so.

To show this welcome message again, you can at any time click on Intro in the links.