»The more time passes, the more I admire Wisp!« — Christine Lemmer-Webber, 2021, on octodon.social.
♡ wow ♡
»Wisp allows people to see code how Lispers perceive
it. Its structure becomes apparent.« — Ricardo Wurmus in IRC,
paraphrasing the wisp statement from his talk at FOSDEM 2019 about
Guix for reproducible science in HPC with GWL.
☺ Yay! ☺
with (open-file"with.w""r") as port
format#t"~a\n" : read port
»I tend to use [Wisp] as a Scheme primer for
colleagues that are used to Python but want to explore the realms of
functional programming without … having to break with known syntax
and conventions … it makes Scheme way more “approachable”« —
Wilko in a reply on Mastodon.
💪 Wisp works! 🎇
»I expected
Wisp to be more of a fun toy to play around with and kind of just
discard, but I have actually found it insanely useful to getting stuff
done.« — kb (2024-07-13 on Mastodon)
🐉 Wisp helps! 🐲
Update (2024-11-26):
Artyom Bologov wrote a very terse wisp-to-lisp converterin ed script along with a self-contained explanation of Wisp that
does not build on parentheses but instead explains all syntax based
on Blocks.
Also the first draft of a 64 page wisp tutorial was completed
2024-11-23: Naming and Logic: programming essentials with Wisp.
It teaches all tasks from first define to deploying your
application: a starting point to try your hand at programming in
This completes work I started in 2013 to build a tool with a syntax
as readable as Python and the simplicity and power of Lisp. I had
envisioned it as a nicer teaching language. It is now at the
fingertips of everyone who uses Guile. So people in my lectures
should have a much easier time trying it out: only a single program
to get.
The work isn’t completely done, because there are still some
cleanups I should do, but the biggest step is done: wisp is
To try it, install Guile 3.0.10 or later and then run:
guile --language=wisp -c "display : : λ ♡ '♡"
You may have to use guile3.0 on some platforms.
If it prints a heart, your Wisp from the official Guile package
is fully operational!
In a running REPL, you can switch to Wisp with ,L wisp
and back with ,L scheme.
Update (2024-03-20):
Wisp 1.0.12 improves compatibility with Apple systems, and for custom setups.
only include actual examples files (including doctest log-files
broke install on Apple systems, because ._-files in the tarball
were interpreted as mac metadata). Many thanks to Erik Marks and
Aleix Conchillo Flaqué from homebrew-guile for the report and help
in tracing down the problem!
better error reporting: Note in "chunk not at zero indentation"
that a new chunk starts after two blank lines.
allow setting guile with GUILE= in tests/runtests-scheme-reader.sh
(so you can run tests with a custom build of Guile).
For more info about Wisp 1.0.12, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v1.0.12, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://www.draketo.de/software/wisp-1.0.12.tar.gz ; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.12.tar.gz ; cd wisp-1.0.12/ ; \
./configure ; make check ; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
If you have additional questions about Wisp, see the FAQ
and chat in #guile at libera.chat.
That's it - have fun with wisp syntax!
Update (2023-03-20):
Wisp 1.0.11 increases compatibility with multi-job make
in Guix.
For more info about Wisp 1.0.11, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v1.0.11, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://www.draketo.de/software/wisp-1.0.11.tar.gz ; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.11.tar.gz ; cd wisp-1.0.11/ ; \
./configure ; make check ; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
If you have additional questions about Wisp, see the FAQ
and chat in #guile at libera.chat.
That's it - have fun with wisp syntax!
Encoding is set to UTF-8 only for the port, so using gettext with
Wisp-applications should work.
The reader is extended for ## (inferred structure arrays) only
while reading wisp, so this change does not carry over to other
languages in Guile.
The number of supported prefix underscores is now unlimited, and
the implementation is much cleaner.
In addition Wisp 1.0.8 enhanced wisp2lisp: It can now
process stdin when called with - as filename, and it has help
output. This should make it easier to create derived tools like
For more info about Wisp 1.0.10, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v1.0.10, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://www.draketo.de/software/wisp-1.0.10.tar.gz ; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.10.tar.gz ; cd wisp-1.0.10/ ; \
./configure ; make check ; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
If you have additional questions about Wisp, see the FAQ
and chat in #guile at libera.chat.
That's it - have fun with wisp syntax!
Update (2023-01-10):
GuileScript, the Scheme-to-Javascript compiler,
got an example of using Wisp for both backend and frontend of a website.
You can now run fibonacci-server.w with wisp:
./env wisp examples/fibonacci-server.w
To reproduce on Guix: git clone https://github.com/aconchillo/guilescript.git cd guilescript && guix environment guilescript # opens a shell autoreconf -i && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local && make guix shell guile-wisp -- ./env wisp examples/fibonacci-server.w
I modified the example to work with Wisp, and Aleix Conchillo Flaqué
merged it, so you can use the example to run Wisp both in the
backend and in the frontend of a website.
This could be used with a macro that both defines a procedure and
adds a data-version of that procedure to a list of JS-functions to
You could for example have an API where the parsing and emitting
code of server and client are created from precisely the same code.
Adjusting the server-code would automatically adjust the API
available for Javascript.
That would then solve real problems that come up in evolving
JS-using websites.
Add to that a live web-repl like skewer (so you use the actual
emitted Javascript — description and setup) and you get rapid
development on server- and clientside, using Javascript inside
standalone templates and Wisp in the backend, for dynamic generation
of- HTML and JS, and for the backend⇔frontend interface.
You could for example replace AJAX with more efficient
serialization, getting rid of the JSON-overhead without requiring
web assembly.
Update (2022-10-08):
The Chickadee game development toolkit just
got support for Wisp (in git): You can now select the language and
add file extensions to search, directly run a wisp file and hack on
your game in the spawning REPL.
To reproduce on Guix: git clone https://git.dthompson.us/chickadee.git ; cd chickadee echo $(realpath .) >> ~/.config/guix/shell-authorized-directories guix shell # open shell with all needed dependencies ./bootstrap && ./configure && make echo 'define : draw alpha' > hello.w echo ' draw-text "Hello, world!" : vec2 260.0 240.0' >> hello.w ./pre-inst-env chickadee play --language=wisp -x .w hello.w --repl
Here’s an example of using the REPL for live-hacking on that example:
I helped create a first version and I’m very grateful that David
added full support now. You’re awesome!
Update (2022-08-09):
Wisp was featured on hackernews. Commenters
there expressed their love of paredit and parinfer, noted readable
Racket, and especially Whitespace the language, mentioned that
indentation helps adoption of Lisp and wished for Python with
braces. Overall the tone was nice despite the contradicting
Update (2022-02-04):
Inspired by the FOSDEM talk Lisp, but Beautiful; Lisp for Everyone (video: lispforeveryone.webm)
by Christine Lemmer-Webber, wisp-mode 0.3.0 now
provides wisp-color-indentation-minor-mode — optional highlighting
of the semantic indentation level using a light background color:
Also there is an experimental mode that highlights the current
indentation level, but being experimental means that it might go
away or receive bigger changes to behavior:
Update (2021-12-20):
Wisp 1.0.7 fixes a bug in 1.0.6 that broke the insta-repl
with a lisp-style comment in a shell-script. You can again get a
wisp shell with a single command on Guix:
Wisp 1.0.6 enables using meta-commands in the wisp shell
(REPL). To make that possible, a single space at the start of a
chunk is ignored (this caused a syntax error in earlier versions).
Also it ensures that (language wisp) is compiled when you run
wisp. If you have additional questions, see the Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) and chat in #guile at libre.chat.
That's it - have fun with wisp syntax!
Update (2021-05-21):
If you use GNU Guix, you can get an instant
wisp shell with a single command:
$ guix environment --ad-hoc guile guile-wisp -- wisp
GNU Guile 3.0.7
Copyright (C) 1995-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Guile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `,show w'.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `,show c' for details.
Enter `,help' for help.
No need to install it into your system: with Guix Wisp is always at your
fingertips when you need it.
Update (2021-05-02):
Wisp 1.0.5 improves wisp-mode (support for imenu, thanks
to Greg Reagle!), adds a test for receive, and fixes links in the
documentation to point to hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wisp.
Also it clears up license information, making it explicit that the
project itself and the examples are licensed under GPLv3 or later
while wisp as language and implementation of SRFI-119 as well as the
tests and supporting files are licensed under the lax
expat-license (thanks to Jan Wedekind for the permission!) to
make it easier to embed Wisp in games that use Guile — for example
Shitsumon, a game example written for the Tsukundere Visual Novel Engine.
And Tsukundere supports games written in wisp!
Also wisp-mode is available from melpa again.
If you want to see Wisp put to practical use for practical
reproducible research (German article), for example in
bioinformatics, have a look at the examples of the Guix Workflow Language.
Deepest thanks to Ricardo Wurmus for making this a
reality! This might turn wisp that I wrote just to do things right
into my largest contribution to science ☺.
After installation, just run wisp to enter a wisp-shell (REPL).
For more info about Wisp 1.0.5, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v1.0.5, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://www.draketo.de/software/wisp-1.0.5.tar.gz ; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.5.tar.gz ; cd wisp-1.0.5/ ; \
./configure ; make check ; examples/newbase60.w 123
Update (2020-09-15):
Wisp 1.0.3 provides a wisp
binary to start a wisp repl or run wisp files, builds with Guile 3,
and moved to sourcehut for libre hosting:
After installation, just run wisp to enter a wisp-shell (REPL).
This release also ships wisp-mode 0.2.6 (fewer autoloads), ob-wisp 0.1
(initial support for org-babel), and additional examples. New
auxiliary projects include
wispserve for experiments
with streaming and download-mesh via Guile, and wisp in
conf new -l wisp PROJNAME
creates an autotools project with wisp, while
conf new -l wisp-enter PROJAME
creates a project with
script writing and
doctests set up. Both also install a script to run your project with
minimal start time: I see 23ms to 27ms runtime for hello world with rare outliers at 100ms. The name of the script is the name of your project.
For more info about Wisp 1.0.3, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v1.0.3, install Guile 2.0.11 or
later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://www.draketo.de/files/wisp-1.0.3.tar_.gz; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.3.tar_.gz ; cd wisp-1.0.3/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
Update (2019-07-16):
0.2.5 now provides proper indentation support in Emacs: Tab
increases indentation and cycles back to zero. Shift-tab decreases
indentation via previously defined indentation levels. Return
preserves the indentation level (hit tab twice to go to zero
Update (2019-06-16):
In c
programming the uncommon way, specifically
c-indent, tantalum
is experimenting with combining wisp and
sph-sc, which compiles
scheme-like s-expressions to c. The result is a program written like
pre-include"stdio.h"define (main argc argv) : int int char**
declare i int
printf"the number of arguments is %d\n" argc
for : (set i 0) (< i argc) (set+ i 1)
printf"arg %d is %s\n" (+ i 1) (array-get argv i)
return0;; code-snippet under GPLv3+
To me that looks so close to C that it took me a moment to realize
that it isn't just using a parser which allows omitting some special
syntax of C, but actually an implementation of a C-generator in Scheme
(similar in spirit to cython, which generates C from Python), which
results in code that looks like a more regular version of C without
superfluous parens. Wisp really completes the round-trip from C over
Scheme to something that looks like C but has all the regularity of
Scheme, because all things considered, the code example is regular
wisp-code. And it is awesome to see tantalum take up the tool I
created and use it to experiment with ways to program that I never
even imagined! ♡
TLDR: tantalum uses
wisp for code that looks like C and compiles to C but has the
regularity of Scheme!
Update (2019-06-02):
The repository at
is stale at the moment, because the
staticsite extension I use to
update it was broken by API changes and I currently don't have the
time to fix it. Therefore until I get it fixed, the canonical
repository for wisp is https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wisp. I'm
sorry for that. I would prefer to self-host it again, but the time to
read up what i have to adjust blocks that right now (typically the
actual fix only needs a few lines). A pull-request which fixes the
extension for modern Mercurial would be much appreciated!
“Wisp allows people to see code how Lispers perceive it. Its
structure becomes apparent.” — Ricardo Wurmus at FOSDEM
Tooling, documentation, and porting of wisp are still work in
progress, but before I go on, I want thank the people from the
readable lisp project. Without
our initial shared path, and without their encouragement, wisp would
not be here today. Thank you! You're awesome!
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-1.0.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-1.0.tar.gz ; cd wisp-1.0/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
Update (2019-01-27):
v0.9.9.1 released which includes the emacs support files missed in
v0.9.9, but excludes unnecessary files which increased the release
size from 500k to 9 MiB (it's now back at about 500k). To start your
own wisp-project, see the tutorial
a wisp project and the
wisp tutorial. For
more info, see the
NEWS file.
To test wisp v0.9.9.1, install Guile 2.0.11
or later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-; \
tar xf wisp- ; cd wisp-; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update (2019-01-22):
v0.9.9 released with support for literal arrays in Guile (needed for
doctests), example start times below 100ms, ob-wisp.el for emacs
org-mode babel and work on examples: network, securepassword, and
downloadmesh. To start your own wisp-project, see the tutorial
a wisp project and the
wisp tutorial. For
more info, see the
NEWS file. To
test wisp v0.9.9, install Guile 2.0.11 or
later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.9.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.9.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.9/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.8.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.8.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.8/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.7.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.7.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.7/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update (2017-10-08):
v0.9.6 released with compatibility for tests on OSX and old
autotools, installation to guile/site/(guile version)/language/wisp
for cleaner installation, debugging and warning when using not yet
defined lower indentation levels, and with wisp-scheme.scm moved to
language/wisp.scm. This allows creating a wisp project by simply
copying language/. A short tutorial for creating a wisp project is
available at
a wisp project as part of
With Guise and
Guile. For more info, see the
NEWS file. To
test wisp v0.9.6, install Guile 2.0.11 or
later and bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.6.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.6.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.6/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update (2017-08-20):
v0.9.2 released with many additional examples including the
proof-of-concept for a minimum ceremony dialog-based game
and the datatype benchmarks in
For more info, see the
NEWS file. To
test it, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and
bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.2.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.2.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.2/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update(2017-03-18): I removed the link to
Gozala's wisp, because it was put in maintenance mode. Quite the
opposite of Guile which is taking up speed and just released
version 2.2.0, fully compatible with wisp (though wisp helped to
and fix one compiler bug, which is something I'm really happy about
Update (2017-02-05): Allan C. Webber presented my talk
script writing with Guile in the
Guile devroom
at FOSDEM. The talk was awesome — and recorded! Enjoy Natural script
writing with Guile by "pretend Arne" ☺
Update (2016-07-12):
v0.9.1 released with a fix for multiline strings and many additional
examples. For more info, see the
NEWS file. To
test it, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and
bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.1.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.1.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.1/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update (2016-01-30): I
presented Wisp
in the Guile
devroom at FOSDEM. The reception was unexpectedly positive — given
some of the backlash the readable
project got I expected an exceptionally sceptical audience, but
people rather asked about ways to put Wisp to good use, for example in
templates, whether it works in the REPL (yes, it does) and whether it
could help people start into Scheme.
Wisp is ”The power and simplicity of #lisp with the familiar syntax of
#python” talk by @ArneBab #fosdem
— Jan Nieuwenhuizen (@JANieuwenhuizen) January 30, 2016
The atmosphere in the Guile devroom was very constructive and friendly
during all talks, and I'm happy I could meet the Hackers there in
person. I'm definitely taking good memories with me. Sadly the video
did not make it, but the
includes the
(pdf, 10 slides) and its
Have fun with
Update (2016-01-04): Wisp is available in
GNU Guix! Thanks to
package from Christopher Webber you can try Wisp easily on top of
any distribution:
This already gives you Wisp at the REPL (take care to follow all
instructions for installing Guix on top of another distro, especially
the locales).
Have fun with
Update (2015-10-01):
v0.9.0 released which no longer depends on Python for bootstrapping
releases (but ./configure still asks for it — a fix for another
day). And thanks to Christopher Webber there is now
patch to install wisp within GNU Guix.
For more info, see the
NEWS file. To
test it, install Guile 2.0.11 or later and
bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.9.0.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.9.0.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.9.0/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.8.6.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.8.6.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.8.6/; \
./configure; make check; examples/newbase60.w 123
If it prints 23 (123 in NewBase60),
your wisp is fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
syntax! And a happy time together for the ones who merge their paths
today ☺
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.8.1.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.8.1.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.8.1/; \
./configure; make check; guile -L . --language=wisp tests/factorial.w; echo
If it prints 120120 (two times 120, the factorial of 5), your wisp is
fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
Update (2014-11-06):
v0.8.0 released! The new parser now passes the testsuite and wisp
files can be executed directly. For more details, see the
NEWS file. To
test it, install Guile 2.0.x and bootstrap
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.8.0.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.8.0.tar.gz ; cd wisp-0.8.0/; \
./configure; make check; guile -L . --language=wisp tests/factorial.w; echo
If it prints 120120 (two times 120, the factorial of 5), your wisp is
fully operational.
That's it - have fun with
On a personal note: It's mindboggling that I could get this far! This is actually a fully bootstrapped indentation sensitive programming language with all the power of Scheme underneath, and it's a one-person when-my-wife-and-children-sleep sideproject. The extensibility of Guile is awesome!
Update (2014-10-17):
v0.6.6 has a new implementation of the parser which now uses the
scheme read function. `wisp-scheme.w` parses directly to a scheme
syntax-tree instead of a scheme file to be more suitable to an SRFI.
For more details, see the
file. To test it, install Guile 2.0.x and
bootstrap wisp:
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20170219091257/https://bitbucket.org/ArneBab/wisp/downloads/wisp-0.6.6.tar.gz; \
tar xf wisp-0.6.6.tar.gz; cd wisp-0.6.6; \
./configure; make; guile -L . --language=wisp
That's it - have fun with
syntax at the REPL! Caveat: It does not support the ' prefix yet (syntax point 4).
Update (2014-01-04): Resolved the name-clash together with Steve
Purcell und Kris Jenkins: the javascript wisp-mode was renamed to
wispjs-mode and
wisp.el is called
0.1.5 again. It provides syntax highlighting for Emacs and minimal
indentation support via tab. You can install it with `M-x
package-install wisp-mode`
Update (2014-01-03): wisp-mode.el was renamed to
wisp 0.1.4 to avoid
a name clash with wisp-mode for the javascript-based wisp.
Update (2013-09-13): Wisp now has a REPL! Thanks go to
GNU Guile and especially Mark Weaver, who
guided me through the process (along with nalaginrut who answered my
first clueless questions…).
To test the REPL, get the
current code
snapshot, unpack it, run ./bootstrap.sh, start guile with
$ guile -L . (requires guile 2.x) and enter ,language wisp.
Example usage:
display"Hello World!\n"
then hit enter thrice.
Voilà, you have wisp at the REPL! Caveeat: the wisp-parser is still experimental and contains known
bugs. Use it for testing, but please do not rely on it for important
stuff, yet.
Update (2013-09-10): wisp-guile.w
now parse itself! Bootstrapping: The magical feeling of seeing a
language (dialect) grow up to live by itself:
Wisp is related to
SRFI-49 and the
readable Lisp S-expressions
Project (and inspired by the latter), but it tries to Keep it Simple and Stupid: wisp provides a simple preprocessor which can be called by
any lisp implementation to add support for indentation sensitive syntax.
To repeat the initial quote:
I love the syntax of Python, but crave the simplicity and power of
With wisp I want to make it possible to create lisp code which is easily
readable for non-programmers (and me!) and at the same time keeps the
simplicity and power of Lisp.
Its main technical improvement over SRFI-49 and Project Readable is
using lines prefixed by a dot (". ") to mark the continuation of the
parameters of a function after intermediate function calls.
The dot-syntax means that instead of marking every function call, Wisp marks
every line which does not begin with a function call — which is the
much less common case in lisp-code.
See the basics and releases for information how to get the current
version of wisp.
Yes. Wisp enables you to write arbitrary code structures using
indentation. When you write code in wisp and run it with Guile, it is
full Scheme code with all its capabilities.
How do Macros work with wisp?
Just like they work in Scheme code that has parentheses: Write the same
structure as with Scheme but use indentation for structure instead of
parentheses where that is more readable to you or your future readers.
See for example the macro-writing-macro Enter in
Enter three witches.
Wisp syntax rules
A line without indentation is a function call, just as if it would
start with a parenthesis.
display"Hello World!" ↦ (display"Hello World!")
A line which is more indented than the previous line is a sibling to
that line. In Lisp with parens it would start with a new parenthesis.
A line which is not more indented than previous line(s) end of all previous lines which have higher or equal
indentation. You should only reduce the indentation to indentation
levels which were already used by parent lines, else the behaviour is
To add any of ' , or ` to a line, just prefix the line with any
combination of "' ", ", " or "` " (symbol followed by one space).
'"Hello World!" ↦ '("Hello World!")
A line whose first non-whitespace character is a dot which is followed by a space (". ") does not call a function: it is a
continuation of the first less indented previous line. In the first
line this means that this line does not start with a parenthesis and does
not end with a parenthesis, just as if you had directly written it in
lisp without the leading ". ".
A line which contains only whitespace and a colon (":") defines an
indentation level at the indentation of the colon. It opens a
parenthesis which gets closed by the next less- or equal-indented line.
To use an actual colon. you can escape it as "\:".
A colon sourrounded by whitespace (" : ") in a non-empty line starts
a new sub-line which gets closed at the end of the line.
It is like an inline parenthesis that gets closed at the end of the line.
It can also start the line, and it can be repeated.
define : hello who ↦ (define (hello who)
display ↦ (display string-append"Hello " ↦ (string-append"Hello " . who "!" ↦ who "!")))
You can replace any number of consecutive initial spaces by
underscores, as long as at least one whitespace is left between the
underscores and any following character. You can escape initial
underscores by prefixing the first one with \ ("\___ a" → "(___ a)"),
if you have to use them as function names. Use this to survive HTML.
define : hello who ↦ (define (hello who)
_ display ↦ (display___ string-append"Hello " ↦ (string-append"Hello "_____ . who "!" ↦ who "!")))
To make that easier to understand, let's just look at the examples in
more detail:
1 A simple top-level function call
display"Hello World!" ↦ (display"Hello World!")
This one is easy: Just add a bracket before and after the content.
If a line is more indented than a previous line, it is a sibling to the
previous function: The brackets of the previous function gets closed
after the (last) sibling line.
Multiple lines with the same indentation are separate function calls
(except if one of them starts with ". ", see , shown in a few lines).
4 Wrap a line in a special form
'"Hello World!" ↦ '("Hello World!")
The special forms ' ` , @, #' #` #, #,@ can used as wrapper for a
whole line by prefixing the line with them.
5 Continue function arguments
By using a . followed by a space as the first non-whitespace character
on a line, you can mark it as continuation of the previous less-indented
line. Then it is no function call but continues the list of parameters
of the funtcion.
I use a very synthetic example here to avoid introducing additional
unrelated concepts.
As you can see, the final "!" is not treated as a function call but as
parameter to the first string-append.
This syntax extends the notion of the dot as identity function. In many
lisp implementations we already have `(= a (. a))`.
= a ↦ (= a
. a ↦ (. a))
With wisp, we extend that equality to `(= '(a b c) '((. a b c)))`.
. a b c ↦ a b c
6 Double parens (let-notation)
If you use `let`, you often need double parentheses. Since using pureindentation in empty lines would be really error-prone, we need a wayto mark a line as indentation level.
To add multiple parentheses, we use a colon to mark an intermediate line as
additional indentation level.
Since we already use the colon as syntax element, we can make itpossible to use it everywhere to open a parenthesis - even within a linecontaining other code. Since wide unicode characters would make ithard to find the indentation of that colon, such an inline-functioncall always ends at the end of the line. Practically that means, theopened parenthesis of an inline colon always gets closed at the end of theline.
define : hello who
display : string-append"Hello " who "!";; ↓ ↓
(define (hello who)
(display (string-append"Hello " who "!")))
To make the indentation visible in non-whitespace-preservingenvironments like typical html or source-blocks in beamer-latex,you can replace any number ofconsecutive initial spaces by underscores, as long as at least onewhitespace is left between the underscores and any followingcharacter. You can escape initial underscores by prefixing the firstone with \ ("\___ a" → "(___ a)"), if you have to use them as functionnames.
define : hello who ↦ (define (hello who)
_ display ↦ (display___ string-append"Hello " ↦ (string-append"Hello "_____ . who "!" ↦ who "!")))
Syntax justification
I do not like adding any unnecessary syntax element to lisp. So I want to show explicitely why the syntax elements are required to meet the goal of wisp: indentation-based lisp with a simple preprocessor.
4.1 . (the dot)
We have to be able to continue the arguments of a function after a call
to a function, and we must be able to split the arguments over multiple
lines. That's what the leading dot allows. Also the dot at the beginning
of the line as marker of the continuation of a variable list is a
generalization of using the dot as identity function - which is an
implementation detail in many lisps.
`(. a)` is just `a`.
So for the single variable case, this would not even need additional
parsing: wisp could just parse ". a" to "(. a)" and produce the correct
result in most lisps. But forcing programmers to always use separate
lines for each parameter would be very inconvenient, so the definition
of the dot at the beginning of the line is extended to mean “take every
element in this line as parameter to the parent function”.
Essentially this dot-rule means that we mark variables at the beginning
of lines instead of marking function calls, since in Lisp variables at
the beginning of a line are much rarer than in other programming
languages. For example assigning a value to a variable which would be a
variable at the beginning of a line in many other languages is a function
call in Lisp.
(Optimize for the common case, not for the rare case)
4.2 : (the colon)
For double parentheses and for some other cases we must have a way to mark
indentation levels without any code. I chose the colon, because it is
the most common non-alpha-numeric character in normal prose which is not
already reserved as syntax by lisp when it is surrounded by whitespace,
and because it already gets used for marking keyword arguments to
functions in Emacs Lisp, so it does not add completely alien characters.
The function call via inline " : " is a limited generalization of using
the colon to mark an indentation level: If we add a syntax-element, we
should use it as widely as possible to justify the added syntax
The effect of the inline colon is limited to the line that contains it
to minimize the impact on surrounding code: you do not have to track
back into previous lines and search for colons to understand the
nesting depth of the line you’re in: checking the indentation
If you need to use : as variable or function name, you can still do
that by escaping it with a backslash (example: “\:”), so this does not
forbid using the character.
4.3 _ (the underscore)
In Python the whitespace hostile html already presents problems with
sharing code - for example in email list archives and forums. But in
Python the indentation can mostly be inferred by looking at the previous
line: If that ends with a colon, the next line must be more indented
(there is nothing to clearly mark reduced indentation, though). In wisp
we do not have this help, so we need a way to survive in that hostile
The underscore is commonly used to denote a space in URLs, where spaces
are inconvenient, but it is rarely used in lisp (where the dash ("-") is
mostly used instead), so it seems like a a natural choice.
You can still use underscores anywhere but at the beginning of the line.
If you want to use it at the beginning of the line you can simply escape
it by prefixing the first underscore with a backslash (example: “\___” ).
Around the fall of 2012 I found the
readable Lisp project which aims
at producing indentation based lisp, and I was thrilled. I had already
done a small experiment with an indentation to lisp parser, but I was
more than willing to throw out my crappy code for the well-integrated
parser they had.
Fast forward half a year. It's February 2013 and I started reading the
readable list again after being out of touch for a few months because
the birth of my daughter left little time for side-projects. And I was
shocked to see that the readable folks had piled lots of additional
syntax elements on their beautiful core model, which for me destroyed
the simplicity and beauty of lisp. When language programmers add syntax
using \\, $ and <>, you can be sure that it is no simple lisp
anymore. To me readability does not just mean beautiful code, but
rather easy to understand code with simple concepts which are used
consistently. I prefer having some ugly corner cases to adding more
syntax which makes the whole language more complex.
I told them about that and proposed a simpler structure which achieved almost
the same as their complex structure. To my horror they proposed adding
my proposal to readable, making it even more bloated (in my opinion). We
discussed a long time - the current syntax for inline-colons is a direct
result of that discussion in the readable list — then Alan wrote me a
nice email, explaining that readable will keep its direction. He finished
with «We hope you continue to work with or on indentation-based syntaxes for Lisp, whether sweet-expressions, your current proposal, or some other future notation you can develop.»
It took me about a month to answer him, but the thought never left my
mind (@Alan: See what you did? You anchored the thought of indentation
based lisp even deeper in my mind. As if I did not already have too many
side-projects… :)).
Then I had finished the first version of a simple whitespace-to-lisp
And today I added support for reading indentation based lisp from
standard input which allows actually using it as in-process preprocessor
without needing temporary files, so I think it is time for a real
release outside my Mercurial repository.
Sylvain Benner gave constructive criticism on wisp which led to an
interesting discussion and explanations of the reasons behind the design
choices of wisp. He allowed me to share it here, too.
Sylvain Benner - 26.03.2013
I find it less readable and actually it adds complexity to the syntax
because you have to deal with 3 components to understand the structure:
the new lines
the colon
the use of parentheses (in case of a multiple lines sexp due to line
So in fact you add 2 more constructs for readability which IMHO has not
the expected effect on most people. Python is more readable because it
simplify the constructs over C and alike, the thing is lisp is already
dead simple syntax. Finally lisp is about lists and the python syntax
just make it feel less closer this.
Arne Babenhauserheide - 26.03.2013
The main problem I see with lisp syntax for newcomers is that the most
important character for recognizing an expression in text is the first
character¹. And in lisp that is always the same: (
Also familiarity has a big impact on readability. And from my
understanding, familiarity means a letter distribution which is similar
to normal text.
Lisp actually is the best language when it comes to that: the basic
constructs .,'` are the most common non-ascii-characters in normal text.
But sadly the most common symmetric characters () are still very rare in
normal text when compared to lisp. And those are in the most prominent
place in Lisp: At the beginning of almost every line. And that makes
lisp code look alien.
Those two reasons are why I kept working on indentation-sensitive syntax
after taking the time to actually think it through for myself - and
trying to find out why Python seemed so familiar from the start.
¹: I'm sure you can find linguistic research for that. I can offer an
anecdote: I'm a roleplayer which means that I often invent and portray
different people. From my experience there is one sure way to make the
others mix up those different people: Give them names with the same
first letter.
Sylvain Benner - 26.03.2013
Oh you can use the dot for line continuation :) Your syntax is a smart
exercise and congrats for this achievement but it is not a good thing to
use in the long run, learning a lisp with this syntax for new comers is
not the best idea.
Arne Babenhauserheide - 26.03.2013
I disagree: I obviously think that it's a good thing if people use
indentation based lisp, why else should I write the preprocessor? :)
You might need parentheses if you want to reduce the indentation in
continuation because that could actually enhance readability in some
situations. This might be a fringe case (which is why I don't mind if
it's a bit ugly), but it might crop up.
My main question is: Does the syntax manage to capture all features of
lisp - is it a complete representation?
If that is true, then you should have all the power of lisp and the
representation would be a purely aesthetic aspect (which is important,
because it affects how the code feels, but it would then not be a
limiting factor).
Sylvain Benner - 26.03.2013
Well, I gave it a quick try and 2 feedbacks:
the colon does not feel right for me, I would prefer a inlined colon
and 2 levels of indentation beneath for the variable bindings list. In
case of 1 list you would still be able to put it inline.
with a syntax highlighter it would be cool to colorize or bold the
function calls. Having electric indentation would be cool. Maybe it is
possible to achieve paredit by wrapping it (transform to lisp, apply
paredit, transform to wisp).
Arne Babenhauserheide - 26.03.2013
Thanks for testing!
How would the inline colon look in code? (example)
syntax highlighting would really be cool, but before going that way, the
syntax itself has to be right.
Sylvain Benner - 03:24
do you think it would make sense to drop the colon and keep only
indentations to define the nested level, so only the following construct
would be accepted ?
let var1 value1
var2 value2
dostuff var1 var2
Arne Babenhauserheide - 09:08
The colon cannot be dropped completely, because it is required when you
have empty parentheses or two blocks with double parentheses. Use a simple
defun or imagine a double let without action¹ (I'm sure you'll find real
code which fits better for this example):
defun foo
: . bar
doublelet : foo bar
: ; <- this double backstep is the real issue bla foo
or shorter with inline colon (which you can only use if there are no
not-tail-called functions inside the assignments).
defun foo :
. bar
doublelet : foo bar
: bla foo
The need to be able to represent things like this is the real reason,
why the colon exists. The inline and start-of-line use is only a
generalization of that principle (we add that syntax, so we should see
how far we can push it to reduce the effective cost of introducing the
additional syntax).
¹: I used a double let without action, even though that does nothing,
because that makes it impossible to use later indentation. Another
reason why I would not use later indentation to define whether something
earlier is a single or double indent is that this would call for subtle
and really hard to find errors:
defun flubb
nubb gam
would become
(defun flubb ()
((nubb)) (gam))
Also I think that fixed indentation width (alternative option to
inferring it from later lines) would make it really hard to write
readable code. Stuff like this would not be possible:
if equals wrong
isright? stuff
Arne Babenhauserheide - 09:10
As syntax wisp has to be able to represent every lisp construct you can
think of (to avoid being just a leaky abstraction where the writers
still have to use parentheses at times). Not every fringe case has to be
beautiful, but it must be possible to represent it.
Arne Babenhauserheide - 19:42
Can I copy our discussion here into the comment section of the article
(under GPL)? I think it could interest others, too.